Sunday, June 29, 2008

Van Dies - But Cycling Lives...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is my Van Dead?

3:30 PM - Rode cycled for 33 miles with Marc today. We started out in the van toward the Factory Road Bike Path to ride to Xenia and back, but the van stalled and died at a traffic light. I turned the key and nothing happened. So there we were, stuck at a two lane busy intersection like a couple of doofs. I called Doreen who got there pretty quick. Then we called the cops so they knew we were blocking traffic, then AAA to get a tow. The police came, and it was a good friend of mine who I just drank beer with last weekend. He parked his cruiser behind my van and we just shoot the breeze until the tow truck got there. We took it down the street about 2 miles to a garage and dumped the thing off in the parking lot. I've loved that van. We've had it since 1993, and it's showing its age with rust and all. We were just talking the other day about selling it and getting a more fuel efficient vehical. Guess this may be a sign.

Well, once we dropped the van off, we took the bikes out and proceeded to cycle 33 miles in town and country. Man was it windy today (18 mph) so we had to work when heading into the wind.

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