Friday, June 20, 2008

June 18, 2008 Wednesday

Running with Doreen…

06:30 PM – Ran for 5 miles (50 minutes) and Hiked 2 miles (27 minutes)

I got out and did a 5 mile run while Doreen rode the bike with me on the run. I did the 2 miles as a cool-down. I’ll take what I can get training wise and I needed the running miles to help me increase my cross-training goals.

Sleep: 7.5

June 17, 2008 - Tuesday

Tough to Train on 2 Hours Sleep

I’m finding I need two days a week when I need to put in work hours to keep up and free up time to get out and train. Those days are usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unfortunately that means little to no training on those two day/evenings. That’s okay though if I can do 5 good days of training out of 7.

Sleep: 2

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