Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm Back...

September 2, 2007 (Sunday)


September 1, 2007 (Saturday)

I'm Back: Unbelieveable! I haven't blogged on here for a year!? It would appear that I've done nothing during that span, but that's not exactly the case. Let's just say it's been limited and far below what my original asperations were. Okay, instead of spending time predicting what I want to do or "should be" doing, I think we'll just go one day at a time. Let today be the first day of being a little more consistent in logging what I'm doing.

After several months of "lack of or limited" training - it's time to get serious. BUT - I have to begin slow, keep durations short, and less intense for now. Today, I hiked for 30 minutes (1.5 miles). Yep, that's it. Can't get any slower, shorter, and less intense than that! But it's a start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Bob!!!

Mark's been biking over here (up to 30km, but normally 20km) He even has a selection of true biker gear ala Lance Armstrong!

Keep up the great work!
